MDP Analytics group launched on Linked-in

Posted on Nov 14, 2013

Data Analytics - doing it rightMDP this week announced the launch of a new group on Linked-in to discuss how the latest techniques in data analytics and data fusion can help solve complex business problems. The new group will also provide news from the MDP Analytics and Automation event series and provide additional information on the latest developments in “big data”.

Big data has brought major changes to the field of data analytics in the last year. Most notably, the number of data sources, how readily available the data is, and the magnitude of the data have all changed considerably.

Organising data is now more difficult. It is much harder to keep on top of what is important and to know what to focus on. The need for specialist data analysts and data scientists will continue to grow, and organisations will find it harder to recruit and keep these specialists.

It is now increasingly challenging to find the right applications, tailored to a user’s needs, due to the growth in software applications. MDP decided to set up the new group with the aim to provide a forum to discuss the complexities of data analytics, and to help simplify complex business problems.

To join the new MDP Analytics group on Linked-In simply follow the link below: