EIOPA press release – Frankfurt, 19 January 2011
“EIOPA releases its medium-term work plan to reflect on the current status of the Solvency II project. The work plan reminds of the fundamental principles of Solvency II and highlights which steps are necessary to advance the implementation of Solvency II.
By launching the work plan EIOPA emphasizes the need for a risk-based regulation as well as its commitment to support a smooth transition to the Solvency II framework for all participants.
EIOPA initiated the draft of this medium-term work plan to achieve a gradual shift of attention from the current regulatory debate to focus on the concrete implementation of Solvency II.”
The following diagram shows the main items of the work plan for 2011.

EIOPA work plan
The full document showing EIOPA’s medium term work plan can be found on the official EIOPA website: